A survey of 3000 Australians carried out for the Electric Vehicle Council of Australia and published in the State of Electric Vehicles Report,  shows consumers are continuing to warm towards electric vehicles. Of those surveyed, 56% would now consider an electric vehicle as their next vehicle.

While this shows a solid increase in interest, there is still hesitation, mostly attributed to the cost of purchasing a vehicle, vehicle power and charging station location concerns. Everything Fleet’s subscription EV range of Fleet is the answer to those concerns.

Best of both worlds

Hybrid vehicles offer a solution to the issue of vehicle power, combing the power of petrol engines with the efficiency and eco credentials of electric motors, allowing motorists to enjoy the best of both worlds. No need to worry as you hit 100km per hour on the freeway – the vehicle thinks for itself and utilises the power source most appropriate for the driving conditions.

Hybrid explained

In a hybrid vehicle, the battery recharges while you drive, so you never have to worry about finding a charging station.  If the car is stationary or driving in slow traffic, the Hybrid automatically switches to electric mode using zero fuel and dramatically reducing your CO2 emissions. When accelerating or driving at speed, the petrol engine automatically kicks in, giving you extra power and responsive performance as you need it.

Commit, without committing

While a Hybrid vehicle solves concerns over charging, power and distance travelling, a vehicle subscription with Everything Fleet solves the concerns over the set-up costs – allowing you to experience all the benefits of a hybrid, without the high price tag of purchasing a new hybrid vehicle.

With Everything Fleet’s range of Hybrid vehicles – you have the power to make an environmentally conscious choice, the power to change your vehicle at any time, and the power to control costs.

Interested in driving a hybrid, but don’t know where to start? Contact our team for a personalised solution for your unique needs and budget. We have over three decades’ of experience in supplying vehicle solutions across Australia.