Road trips always seem like a great idea at the beginning, and they are! But let’s face it: spending hours on end in an Everything Fleet car, with the same people can take its toll on your patience.

So here to combat potential boredom and irritability in passengers, are some fun road trip games to keep everyone happy! Don’t forget, if you want to make them a true competition, add an incentive or prize!

Number Plate Acronyms

How are you at being creative? Take the challenge and try to generate the best response for what letters mean on a car’s number plate. Some will be easy, while others are quite difficult. For example, if you see a number plate with ‘TJK’ what comes to mind? Maybe ‘The Jumping Kangaroo’ or ‘The Joyous King’? This is a great game that will keep your brain working!

Word Ban

This game is about discipline and can be quite challenging. At the commencement of your journey, decide on a word that is banned from all conversation. The challenge is to avoid saying this specific word for your entire journey. Depending on what you have chosen, your conversations can become quite difficult! Watch as your travel companions scramble with their sentences to avoid saying that banned word!

If you know your adult travel companions are quite avid in their use of language, you may like to make this game a ‘swear jar’ event. Place a few words on the list and a fee is incurred each time a listed word is spoken.

20 questions

This is one of the best classic car games. Players simply pick a person and their fellow passengers have to guess who it is using only 20 questions. More ruthless players will opt for obscure personalities in order to prolong their turn but we recommend opting for well-known figures to keep the game fresh.

With these games, you can make your own rules and be as creative as possible with the objectives. Don’t forget, sometimes it isn’t the destination that matters, it’s the journey. For all road trips, be courteous of the driver and don’t do things that will distract their attention from the task of driving safely.