Understanding that every business has different needs when it comes to fleet and providing a need-based provision of mobility, is the foundation of the car subscription service. Car subscription enables business customers to quickly adjust their fleet size based on demand, and nimbly react to changing business conditions.

While making efficient and cost-effective use of fleet has always been important, the continuous uncertainty in the past 18 months has created a level of anxiousness about committing long-term or tying up large amounts of cash in the purchasing of fleet outright. The ‘Fit for Purpose: Fleet Management in a post-Covid World’ whitepaper published in October 2021  shines a spotlight on these challenges and inflexibilities many businesses are currently facing. One in three surveyed, revealed they did not have the flexibility to change fleet sizes at short notice and 62% had to extend lease contracts due to supply issues.

Everything Fleet’s car subscription service closes the gap between renting and leasing and fits perfectly for businesses who have to upfleet or downfleet quickly with periods of use sitting between 30+ days and 12 months. Fleet can be custom branded with company logos and delivered Australia wide. From cars to utes, 4WDs, vans, buses and trucks Everything Fleet has the subscription plan to suit your business requirements.

Getting to know your requirements is critical to ensuring we provide the most comprehensive solution for your business. Contact our team at hello@everythingfleet.com.au or on 131 381 so we can take the next step.