Everything Fleet operates a Fair Wear and Tear Policy in line with the Australian Finance Industry Association Code of Practice.
For your benefit we have defined what constitutes fair wear and tear due to ongoing use. This is treated differently to unacceptable damage due to gross negligence or intentional damage, which you will be held responsible for.

How do we assess when damage has occurred? Prior to a vehicle being given to you, any damage, including fair wear and tear is identified and recorded. Our team records this damage via time stamped photographs when the vehicle is prepared for delivery. If you detect any damage and it has not been recorded, you should notify us prior to leaving our location so we can update our records accordingly.

We have a range of Protection Options available if you wish to reduce your liability in the event of an accident or damage to your vehicle. You should always refer to the Terms and Conditions of your Contract for a full understanding of the exclusions that could apply.
Our team are only a phone call away on 131 381 or email us at hello@everythingfleet.com.au to answer any of your questions about fair wear and tear and the protection options available.