Everything Fleet uses Digicall as its roadside service provider.
Every subscription has access to roadside assistance 24/7 every day of the year. In the event of a breakdown or issue with the vehicle, call 07 3156 8000 and quote your number plate and they will deal with you directly.
Tyre Maintenance
Digicall will carry out breakdown related problems including inflation of a flat tyre and replacement of a flat tyre with the vehicle’s serviceable spare.
You will be responsible for any costs incurred in the provision of a replacement tyre or puncture service.
Minor Roadside Repairs
Digicall will carry out minor breakdown related repairs where it is possible and safe to do so at the roadside. However, if major parts or factory diagnostic equipment are required, the vehicle will be transported to the nearest Authorised Repairer within the towing limits.
Technical Advice
Advice will be provided in relation to the vehicle operation, any safety warnings or lights that may appear or technical and mechanical information regarding the vehicle.
Battery and Parts Replacement
Digicall will arrange for the supply and fitment of emergency parts to effect mobilisation of a breakdown repair in the event that an Authorised Repairer is not open or within close proximity of the breakdown.
You will be responsible for all parts and repair costs incurred in the provision of this service. This may include, but is not limited to, batteries, hoses, electrical components, etc.
Emergency Fuel
Digicall will arrange for either the delivery of an emergency supply of fuel where able to and where government regulations permit or transport the vehicle to the nearest refuelling station within the maximum towing limits.
You will be responsible for the cost of any fuel supplied in excess of ten (10) litres in the provision of this service.
Lost Keys, Locksmith Service or Courier Service
Where the key has been lost or stolen, or has been locked inside the vehicle, Digicall will either arrange for the spare key to be delivered, arrange for the subscriber to retrieve the spare key, or arrange for a locksmith to attend.
You will be responsible for any costs including delivery, locksmith or replacement keys.
ln the event the vehicle is immobilised or is not safe to drive, Digicall will transport it to the nearest Authorised Repairer or to Everything Fleet’s preferred repairer within 20kms in a metro area and within 100 kilometres to the nearest repairer in a rural location.
Any additional towing beyond what is provided above, will be the subscriber’s responsibility.